Sunday, January 20, 2013

Becoming Screen Litrate

After reading the article " Becoming Screen Literate" the first sentence of the article " Everywhere we look, we see screens" this sentence sums up the whole article. In today's world everything has a screen for example, buying movie tickets; all you have to do is go to a computer screen and pick the movie title you want to see and pay, or a soda machine that has a touch screen to pick what type of soda you would like. Technology today is making people much smarter and able to work easier. It is kind of scary how fast technology is improving. In 5 years who knows what we will be able to do. I never thought i would have a little phone in my pocket that can tell me anything i would like to know about anything. On my phone i can order tickets, video chat with my sister across the country, find answer to something i do not know, and i can also turn my house lights on and off just from a push of a button from my phone. Also today we have cars that can park themselves without anyone operating it. Other then the advance of technology in today's world to find a job people have to learn how to work these screens. Who knows what tomorrow will bring us?

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